There is one massage therapy school in Corpus Christi. A branch campus of a Dallas-based institution, it is located at 4639 Corona Drive.
The school’s program delivers all the courses and training necessary for a graduate to pursue state licensure. Students take science, massage, and business classes for less than a year. They learn a range of therapeutic techniques.
Texas is a promising location for massage therapists, with the third-most jobs in the United States. About 32% more positions will be created during the 2016-26 decade, according to government projections.
A group of MTs has operated this institution since 1998. Students graduate after eight or nine months.
With a curriculum of 570 clock hours, the program surpasses state requirements. To be licensed in Texas, a student must complete 500 hours of instruction in massage theory, anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, pathology; professional ethics, laws and regulations, business practices, health and hygiene; and hydrotherapy. Hands on Approach also provides the mandated 50-hour clinical experience.
The school clinic is where students practice their massage techniques on members of the public. Tuition (less than $3,000) covers the cost of books and supplies.